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HomeEventsHR109-1 Gentle Yoga (Series 1)

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Only 7 Spot(s) Left
HR109-1 Gentle Yoga (Series 1)

Date and Time

Thursday, January 16, 2025, 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM


Begg Room



Health and Recreation

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Instructor: Into Yoga. (Further course details below.)

To register, click the "Register Now" button on the right-hand side of the screen. If you don’t see this button, it means you haven't not logged in as a member yet. You can log in by clicking "Member Login" at the top right side of the screen. If you’re having difficulties registering, you can call the office for assistance at 604-228-1461 during weekdays between 9 am to 4 pm.


15 Total Slots
7 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Find the joy and ease of moving in this slower paced class. You will feel your body relax and release into poses — with an emphasis on lying and seated positions—that increase your strength, flexibility and overall mobility. A deep focused awareness on breath will help you experience a sense of calm and ease and as you move from pose to pose. The class will use props and include modifications to facilitate movement. All levels are welcome. Everyone can work at their own level and pace. Please bring your own yoga mat.

Sign up for both series for an uninterrupted 12-week exercise routine! Register for HR109-2 Gentle Yoga (Series 2) also, or go back to the Health & Recreation page to view other exercise classes.

Brock House, 3875 Point Grey Rd, Vancouver,  BC  V6R 1B3


Open Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm (Closed stat holidays)

Special event bookings after 4:30 pm Monday to Friday and all-day on weekends are available through Peake Catering | Events at