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HomeDonate to Brock House Society

How can you support Brock House Society?

Brock House Society is a registered charitable organization. Our revenue comes from members’ fees, rental income from Peake Catering | Events, interest income from our endowment fund at the Vancouver Foundation, as well as from programs, events, and donations. Together, it allows us to offer a wide range of programs and events, run a thriving bistro, and cover the costs of a small staff and the repair and maintenance of our Class A heritage building, Brock House.

You can contribute in several ways

Donate $20 or more and you’ll receive a receipt for income tax purposes.

Donate to our Trust Fund

Our endowment fund at the Vancouver Foundation was established in 1986 after a three-year campaign to raise money to help meet our operating expenses. Today, interest from this fund covers about one-quarter of our annual revenue.

To donate, load the Vancouver Foundation's BHS Trust Fund page (external).

Donate to our Care and Conservation Fund

This fund, established in 1993, provides for major repairs and improvements to our heritage house. Over the years it has helped cover the costs of interior improvements, replacement of the roof and many upgrades to our aging infrastructure.

Click here to donate to Care and Conservation  Care & Conservation

Donate to our Endowment Fund

The establishment of this fund, to be managed by the Brock House Society was envisaged in a motion passed at the Society's Annual General Meeting in May 2022 and confirmed by a Board motion in November 2022. Unlike our Endowment Fund at the Vancouver Foundation, this fund will provide more flexibility to the Board of the Society in the management of its financial assets. There is the anticipation that some members wishing to make legacy donations will consider the Endowment Fund in the Vancouver Foundation too restrictive.

Click here to donate to our Endowment Fund Endowment Fund

Give in someone’s name

Another option is to donate in memory of a special person. It’s a wonderful way to honour a friend, relative, or colleague who found stimulation, friendship or support through Brock House Society.
Click here to make an In Memoriam donation  In Memoriam

Unspecified donations

If you prefer, you can make a direct donation to our operating fund. (Note: All unspecified donations are allocated to this fund.)
Click here to donate to our operating fund  our Operating Fund

Legacy giving

There are many ways to continue supporting Brock House after your death.
Click here to learn more about legacy giving Legacy Giving

In-kind donations

You can also help us with a non-financial donation.
Click here to learn more Donate In-Kind

Any other major gifts, bequests, or in-kind donations

Please contact Eda Ertan Executive Director (604) 228-1461 or

Brock House, 3875 Point Grey Rd, Vancouver,  BC  V6R 1B3


Open Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm (Closed stat holidays)

Special event bookings after 4:30 pm Monday to Friday and all-day on weekends are available through Peake Catering | Events at