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Folk Singing Group

Date and Time

Friday, January 05, 2024, 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Tent (Summer) or Arts Room




Registration Info

Registration is not Required
“All music is folk music. I ain’t never heard a horse sing.” (Louis Armstrong)
There is a group of people (Brockites) who have met for the last few years on every 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, for two hours between 1-3pm. Thirty people on the emailing list, and about 15-20 turn up at each meeting. We met through the summer, suitably spaced, under the beautiful tent at the back of Brock House. What a view.

What do we do? Following the traditions of various other music groups in Vancouver and around the planet, we sit in a circle. Then we take turns around the circle to sing a song, play an instrument, tell stories. Some just listen. One tends to sing Broadway musicals; another resurrects pop songs from the 1970s; another scandalous sea shanties; another social commentaries; another reminds us of the treasury from Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen; another likes Irish and Scottish ditties from the past; composers test their new satirical numbers. Nothing is off limits. Those who know the tunes sing and play along (mostly guitars); and ask questions about the history of songs. Several organized souls send us the words and chords of “their” songs in advance, so that we can learn and sing lustily. Others sit and listen.

The loose organizing group currently consists of Graham Baldwin, Charles West (technician extraordinaire), Larry Moore and John Wade.

We look forward to moving back to the glorious tent sometime in 2022.
Everyone is welcome, including listeners; no musical experience is necessary; a gathering for fun and enjoyment;

If you would like more information about this Brock House group, feel free to contact John

About this event

Brock House, 3875 Point Grey Rd, Vancouver,  BC  V6R 1B3


Open Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm (Closed stat holidays)

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