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HomeEventsCANCELLED - LD103 Legendary Performers -- CANCELED

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Only 43 Spot(s) Left
CANCELLED - LD103 Legendary Performers -- CANCELED

Date and Time

Friday, March 01, 2024, 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM


Halpern Room


Lectures & Discussions

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
4 new lectures in the Legendary Performers series hosted by Neil Ritchie. (See full description below.)

To register, click the "Register Now" button on the right-hand side of the screen. If you don’t see this button, it means you haven't not logged in as a member yet. You can log in by clicking "Member Login" at the top right side of the screen. If you’re having difficulties registering, you can call the office for assistance at 604-228-1461 during weekdays between 9:00am to 3:30pm.


65 Total Slots
43 Available Slot(s)

About this event

Some performers are simply born great. It is their combination of talent and charisma which makes them legendary. Neil Ritchie examines what makes a performer great and looks at how their early lives, family, education, career choices, mentoring, integrity, musicality, direction, timing, and of course luck impacted their careers.


Neil Ritchie was a producer in CBC radio Music for over 30 years.  For the past 15 years he has been sharing his passion and knowledge of music with many students wanting to join in his enthusiasm.


Week 1: TDWR

This was a phrase in Downbeat Magazine for Talent Deserving Wider Recognition. Extraordinary artists who never got the fame they deserved. Madeleine Kahn, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Eliana Elias and Patrick Wilson.


Week 2: Nino Rota

What would the Fellini movies or the Godfather films be without the scores of the Italian composer Nino Rota?


Week 3: Daniel Barenboim

The conductor/pianist was born in Buenos Aires in 1942 with a career and life was incredible in it's diversity and passion.


Week 4: Dames

3 Dames selected by the Crown for their talent. Judi Dench, Elizabeth Taylor and Julie Andrews.

Brock House, 3875 Point Grey Rd, Vancouver,  BC  V6R 1B3


Open Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm (Closed stat holidays)

Special event bookings after 4:30 pm Monday to Friday and all-day on weekends are available through Peake Catering | Events at