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Gravity: Don’t Let It Get You Down!
Halpern Room
Health and Recreation
Registration Info
Registration is closed - Event is full
Instructor: Melanie Galloway. See more information below.
Registration required.
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40 Total Slots
Event is full - Waitlist available
About this event
Did you know that one in three Canadians over 65 falls every year? And that falls are the main reason why older adults lose their independence?
If you’re interested in learning how to reduce your risk of injury from falls, you’ll want to attend a presentation on Monday, March 17 by Melanie Galloway, a personal trainer, teacher of fitness instructors, medical exercise specialist, and instructor in the Osteofit program of BC Women’s. She has been working with older people for over 30 years, and her husband Bill has taught Osteofit right here at Brock House. She wrote the book “Bottoms Up: From Toes to Head – the Many Reasons to Stand Up and Move,” which will be available at the lecture by donation.
Melanie, who's now 75, had polio when she was a child, and so is at high risk of falling. Indeed she did fall last June. But as she went down, she knew to “turn and tuck,” and so protected her head from injury – pretty convincing evidence that you should go hear what she has to say!
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