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Lectures & Discussions
Registration Info
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Frauds and Scams Both terms refer to a dishonest act or a misrepresentation for obtaining goods or money. Fraud is the correct term for the criminal offense. Why are Seniors Vulnerable? They tend to be more trusting and feel impolite to just hang up or close the door on someone. Some are uncomfortable with personal finances and some may be isolated and glad to talk to someone.
To register, click the "Register Now" button on the right-hand side of the screen. If you don’t see this button, it means you haven't not logged in as a member yet. You can log in by clicking "Member Login" at the top right side of the screen. If you’re having difficulties registering, you can call the office for assistance at 604-228-1461 during weekdays between 9:00am to 4:00pm.
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21 Available Slot(s)
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